Outreach & Special Gifts

​If you would like to invest in winning souls to Christ through Conference of Texas Baptist Evangelists Outreach Events, please give a donation as the Lord leads.

Checks may be sent to:​

Conference of Texas Baptist Evangelists
c/o Gary Newman, Secretary/Treasurer
​2209 Prairie Creek Trail
Garland,TX  75040

You may also use your PayPal account or credit card by click the button below:

​​Your donation will be tax-deductible and will be used to advance the Kingdom of God. No officer or member of COTBE is paid for his/her services.

​​Pay Membership Dues

Checks may be sent to:​

Conference of Texas Baptist Evangelists
c/o Gary Newman, Secretary/Treasurer
​2209 Prairie Creek Trail
Garland,TX  75040

You may mail your checks to the address above or use your PayPal account or credit card by clicking the button below to pay membership dues:
